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We provide foreclosure records that are currently in foreclosure. These are not bank owned properties, they are still owned by the people that have some financial hardships.
These are great leads for Realtors, Attorneys and Investors
You can know who is in Foreclosure for as little as $15.00 a month
Realtors and Attorneys should never be without this service
Oracle Gale LLC keeps track of all foreclosures in given counties.
We make an initial mailing to everyone in foreclosure. We are not realtors and we are not attorneys. People that responds to us, we try and guide them to the professionals they need.
We also get a lot of returned letters. These are people that usually have abandoned their properties. Some have return address's. We can let you know who these people are. Some need to be found. We can assist in finding these people for you. These are great Leads
We also try and find lawsuits that are just starting, Home Owner Associations that are starting to foreclose and liens and judgments.
We also have a mailing program to help those subscribed to us get quicker and faster results.