Learn How to List Probate Properties and get Listing Referrals
5% of the Brokers make 80% of the money as a real estate broker
There are hundreds of properties that heirs list every year and the normal broker never deals with them. Learn How !!!!!
Step One
You have to start gathering a list of of people that have recently passed away.
You can do this by going to local newspapers, search for (your county) deaths. Go to as many obituary sites as you can. You can also purchase this information if you choose
See example Listing leads
Check the sample data, look to see how many of those properties are listed yet?
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Step Two
You need to find out which ones owned real estate. As a broker, you know how to do this, or you can go to (your county) treasurers site and search by name. It will show you the taxes on the property and who owns it. Search by name. You can also purchase this information
There are hundreds of properties every year that you are missing the chance to list.
Step Three
Now you need to find some possible heirs. The obituary of the person, gives you some clues sometimes, you can go to ancestry.com and search for last name or use a free search on the internet that looks for people and where they are. Once again, you can just purchase this information.
Step Four
Send a letter to the property address or drop off a flyer. Contact the heirs. The heirs have to set up an estate to sell or rent the property.
If you introduce yourself at this point, you can aid them in this process. If the heirs all agree, the property can be listed and sold almost immediately.
You will meet attorneys through this process. Great contacts for you and great source of future referrals.
We need brokers that will take our referrals. Please go to contact us and fill out the information. We need to be able to email and text each other.
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